What is Co-dependency in marital relationships?
It is a complex issue that can significantly impact the well-being and happiness of both partners. It often arises from unhealthy patterns of behavior and emotional reliance on each other, leading to an imbalanced dynamic. This article aims to explore the
concept of co-dependency, its potential causes, and provide practical
solutions to address and overcome it.
Co-dependency can be defined as an excessive reliance on a partner for
one's sense of self-worth, identity, and emotional well-being. It is
characterized by an unhealthy level of control, neediness, and enabling
behaviors. Co-dependent individuals often struggle with boundary-setting,
prioritizing and recognizing their own needs, and maintaining a healthy level of
Co-dependency can stem from various factors, including childhood
experiences, family dynamics, past traumas, and societal and cultural
influences. Common causes may include:
1. Family of origin: Growing up in a family where emotional needs were not
adequately met or where there was excessive control can contribute to
co-dependent patterns in adult relationships.
2. Low self-esteem: Individuals with low self-worth may seek validation
and affirmation from their partner, leading to dependency on their
3. Unresolved trauma: Past traumatic experiences, such as abuse or
neglect, can contribute to co-dependency by fostering a sense of
helplessness and the need to rely on others for emotional stability.
4. Societal expectations: Societal norms and expectations may perpetuate
traditional gender roles, fostering dependency in relationships and
discouraging individual autonomy.
5. Connections and support: lack of social connections and supports can
create co-dependency.
Learning Solutions to Co-dependency with Counselling:
1. Self-awareness and Education: Recognizing co-dependency and
understanding its dynamics is the first step towards addressing the
issue. Increased self-awareness helps individuals identify their own
patterns and triggers, promoting personal growth.
2. Individual Therapy: Individual therapy provides a safe space for each
partner to explore their emotions, past experiences, and underlying
issues that contribute to co-dependency. Therapists can help individuals
develop healthier coping mechanisms, build self-esteem, and set
3. Couples Therapy: Couples therapy plays a vital role in addressing co-
dependency by improving communication, promoting empathy, and
fostering healthy interdependence. A skilled therapist can guide couples
through exercises that encourage autonomy, emotional regulation, and
self-care, helping them create a more balanced relationship.
4. Developing Boundaries: Establishing and maintaining clear boundaries
is essential in overcoming co-dependency. Partners must learn to
identify their own needs and communicate them assertively. This
includes practicing self-care, saying no when necessary, and allowing
each other space for individual growth.
5. Strengthening Individual Identities: Encouraging personal interests,
hobbies, and friendships outside the relationship helps each partner
build a strong sense of self. Developing independent identities promotes
self-confidence and reduces reliance on the relationship for validation.
6. Building Support Networks: Building a support network outside the
relationship is crucial for personal growth and resilience. Engaging in
activities and connecting with friends and family can provide emotional
support, alternative perspectives, and a sense of belonging outside the
co-dependent dynamic.
7. Prioritizing Self-Care: Individuals must prioritize self-care to develop
emotional resilience and reduce co-dependency.
8. Open Communication: Healthy communication is key to addressing co-
dependency. Active listening, empathy, and validating each other's
narratives is important.
Learn more about co-dependent relationship with Pegasus Integrated Health's counsellors in Richmond, BC.